The GUI of NARS consists of several windows. In the following, they are described one by one.

Main Window

This window contains a menu bar, a text area, a clock field, and four command buttons.

The following menu items are available in the current version of NARS:

The text area displays the conversation between the user and the system. The Clock field is a counter of inference steps after the last input/output event.

The command buttons correspond to basic operations:

Input Window

This window contains a text area and four command buttons.

The text area allows the user to type or paste input lines, each of which may be

The command buttons correspond to basic operations:

Inference Log Window

This window contains a text area and three command buttons.

The text area displays information in each inference step, including:

The command buttons correspond to basic operations:

Bag Window

This window contains a text area, a slider, and three command buttons.

The text area displays the items in the bag, according to their priority levels.

The slider indicates and adjusts the priority threshold for items to be displayed.

The command buttons carry out the following operations:

Term Window

This window contains a text field and two command buttons.

The text field accepts the name of an existing concept.

The command buttons carry out the following operations:

Parameter Window

This window contains a slider and three command buttons.

The slider indicates and adjusts the current parameter value.

The command buttons carry out the following operations:

Message Window

This window contains a text area and a bottom.

The text area displays a message to the user.

The "OK" button closes the window.

Color Usage

The following color convention is used in the GUI:

Window color:

Text background color: